4 Top Tips To Stay Active At Your Desk Job (And Why Your Health Needs It)
Most of us have our routine when it comes to our job. And sitting at a desk all day sounds like the norm for many of us. Because of technology, you literally never have to leave your desk for anything – you can order online from it, call from it, email, hold a meeting – the…
My Life In A Plan – The 404040 Plan
Where Did It Start? You may have seen my recent hashtags on Social Media #404040 and wondered, what? 40 40 what? So I thought I would explain this sequence of numbers. Welcome to my 404040 Plan – 40 recipes and 40 exercises over 40 Days. Its a plan that I have been working on for…
To Shake Or Not To Shake?
What Is A Protein Shake There has been a lot written in the press recently about the virtues of taking protein shakes post workout. But what are they? do they work? Firstly let me explain what they are and apparently what they claim to do (I say apparently because there is still such diverse research…
The 80/20 Rule. Does It Work?
If you have ever googled “What is more important for losing weight, diet or exercise?” you have probably come across the 80,20 Rule? I am sure you have also seen many articles, Social Media posts about this particular theory. But where did this theory come from? It is known as The Pareto Principle. This principle…