To Bikini Or Not To Bikini?

The Bikini Crisis

How do you feel about wearing a bikini? Does it feel you with dread? Or do you feel you have gone past the stage of wearing a two piece? Do you throw caution to the wind and say “Who Cares, I Look Fabulous?”

Over the age of 40 our view of our body changes. Surely it’s not acceptable to wear a bikini with our stretch marks, wobbly bits or general “Nah not me, I’m too old” thought process. Do you think we are suffering from a Mid Life Bikini Crisis?

On a recent beach trip to Mersea Island with my little one, I found myself subconsciously reaching for a one-piece swimming costume, completely ignoring my two piece bikini. How did I feel about wearing a bikini now I was over 40. I wasn’t sure.

My immediate reaction on seeing my two piece was “Oh I wore that bikini when I was in my 20s, it won’t fit me now. It’s far from skimpy. I can’t wear that?” But what was making me think that? I am a mum of a 5-year-old and I know that my body had changed.

It’s not the same body I had when I was in my 20s, not so perky, but then again I’m not the same person I was back then either. And if I recall I still felt a little self-conscious in my 20s on that first bikini reveal on holiday. So did it really matter?

Body image

Being a woman of a certain age, I am acutely aware of how challenging it is to stay in Bikini shape. It’s not easy, particularly over the age of 40. We are fighting lots of different issues – bloating, weight gain, pre/postmenopausal symptoms, aches and pains, and post-baby bodies.

It’s challenging right? Even though my job is about helping people to get into the best possible shape they can be, I’m still conscious of how I look, so I work out. I work out a lot. Even though I don’t always feel like it, I still work out. I often tell my clients, and myself come to that “You’re never going to regret adding in a workout but you will almost always regret skipping one” Its so true. So I put the effort in.

Age Appropriate?

Part of the reason I work out is my job but the other part, the larger part, is about how I feel. I still want to look good. I don’t buy the “You should wear age appropriate clothes over the age of 40” tag. Or the “Oh well I’m over 40 now does it matter?” Yes, it does. I truly believe you can look fabulous at any age.

I also try to maintain a healthy diet, but I also enjoy eating cake and drinking glasses of bubbly with my friends on a night out. Everything In moderation is my motto. I have passed that same thought on to every person I have ever trained. And It works.

Let’s be honest. We are constantly bombarded with celebrities wearing their skimpy bikinis on holiday and our minds immediately think “I don’t look like that, I can’t wear that” and the immortal “Ahh to be 20 again” Is it that thought that evidently, that leads us to the unconscious grabbing of a one piece which we feel is safer and covers up our ‘wobbly bits’ much better and is much more acceptable to society.

Not For Me Thanks

I have a friend who is stick thin but would not dream of wearing a bikini, “Its just not me. I don’t feel comfortable?” And yet another friend of mine is a healthy size 14 and loves wearing her bikini. “I don’t care. I look great.”

I think a lot of what we perceive is right or wrong is not always the case. So what if we are over 40? Does that mean we can’t wear a flattering two-piece anymore? And if so, who says so?

Life isn’t about perfection, its about reality. We all have dimples, marks, wobbly bits. ALL OF US. And for some reason we still have the perception that Bikinis are for younger women?

We should celebrate our uniqueness. Our wobbles and bumps and bits and pieces. Our mummy tummies. They are a part of us and I think we look can look fantastic irrespective of our age.

So I am going to pop on my Pink bikini. Yes, Pink. And be proud that I am healthy and I am over 40 and I am wearing a bikini. Okay, Its not as high cut or skimpy as my old bikini, but its flattering. I am not perfect but neither is anyone else on the beach. If its good enough for Helen Mirren Its good enough for me, I think.

Do you still wear a bikini? Let me know how you feel. Don’t forget to check out my brand new Health And Fitness Plan specifically designed for people over the over of 40

About Niki Wibrow

Niki is a fitness, health, and yoga expert specialising in helping ladies over 40 look, feel great through innovative and personalized exercise plans. Niki is a regular contributor to many TV and Radio shows and has worked with major brands such as Netflix and Matalan launching unique workout programmes. Her celebrity workout DVD’s have sold in excess of 500,000 copies.


  • Jane Mc

    Reply Reply 17th August 2017

    Yay! Totally empathise with ALL those feelings. I’m 51 and SO wanted to get a healthy all-over tan on holiday this year. Lots of humming and haarring and I finally decided to go for it – bikini packed! I figured a tanned torso looks better than the bluey white one, faults and all ? Might be my last year and maybe because I was out of the country but I’m glad I did. (No photos allowed though!). You have an amazing, fit, perfect body and many more years of the bikini for sure!

  • Niki

    Reply Reply 17th August 2017

    Hi jane. Thanks for reaching out. I’m so pleased you wore a bikini, why the hell not. Us ladies over 40 need to know that we are fabulous irrespective of our imperfections. Here’s to many more bikini years. Have a great day x

  • Tanya

    Reply Reply 18th August 2017

    I’ve been wearing bikinis since I was a toddler, I’m 51 now. Everyone should wear bikini’s as long as a bikini fits you have a bikini body. Why cover up in the sun when you don’t need to.

  • Niki

    Reply Reply 18th August 2017

    How fantastic Tanya. And yes exactly. Bikinis come in all shapes and sizes. Us ladies come in all shapes and sizes also. And we can look fabulous. Have a great day

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