My Life In A Plan – The 404040 Plan
Where Did It Start? You may have seen my recent hashtags on Social Media #404040 and wondered, what? 40 40 what? So I thought I would explain this sequence of numbers. Welcome to my 404040 Plan – 40 recipes and 40 exercises over 40 Days. Its a plan that I have been working on for…
Do You Feel Invisible In Society?
How astonishing that a recent Harper’s Bazaar survey found that over 70% of women over the age of 55 feel invisible in society? Why is that? Is it because, seemingly, most products on the market seem to cater for a younger generation. Isn’t it time that brands woke up to the fact that we are…
Where Did It All Start?
<Where Did It All Start I have often been asked, “Where Did Your Fitness Journey Begin” So here it is. You may need a large cuppa, its nearly 30 years condensed into one blog. I begun teaching fitness way back in 1990 when it was referred to as “Exercise To Music” Or ETM for short.…